How Our Process Works

The way our team works with your business and team is different from other groups. We take the time to collaboratively analyze your goals, big or small, and plot a budget-friendly course to get there without any fluff. Industry Processing Solutions is focused on intuitive, repeatable processes so your post-harvest efforts are the last of your worries. We offer assistance in-person, over the phone, and over video

Introductory Consultation
Architecting Solutions
Scheduling and
Pre-Training Preparation
Training and/or Service Delivery
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Introductory Consultation

Our objective in our first call with your team is to figure out exactly what your operation’s pain points are, whether that’s affordably processing your harvest, launching a new SKU, or something else, and come up with solutions that are on-budget. We offer our services in-person, over the phone, and on video.

Learn about your business
Discover operational pain points and goals
Begin to prepare solutions
Architecting Solutions

Next, we figure out exactly how to provide the right solutions and services that accomplish what your company needs. We strive to give you options so that you can get everything that you need, and nothing that you don’t. For in-person training and service packages, we work closely with your team in the proposal process to determine exactly what tools, equipment, and personnel will be required for success.

Determine suggested solutions and services
Create a timeline
Deliver a straightforward proposal for review
Refine proposal with client input to a final draft
Scheduling and Pre-Training Preparation

After the final service proposal is accepted, then we get to work lining everything up to ensure our work with your team goes off without a hitch. This includes scheduling, preparatory meetings with your team to discuss your expectations, what will happen during, and what happens after everything is done so everyone is on the same page.

Finalize services plan
Prepare all necessary elements for execution
Mutually set expectations and desired outcomes
Trainer(s) begin preparing for your service package
Training and/or Service Delivery

When it’s time to get to work, our experts collaborate with your team to deliver everything in the proposal efficiently. We’re dedicated to your satisfaction throughout the entire effort when you hire us – our trainers strive to go above and beyond so you come away with everything you wanted and more.

Perform all proposal services and training items purchased
Ensure customer satisfaction throughout
Debrief with client and outline next steps, if any
It's That Simple!

If you’re ready to learn more about our services or to schedule your consultation, hit the links below to get all of the information you need.